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Sir Roger Bannister Announces A Remedy For Parkinson's Disease?

Is it true that Sir Roger Bannister announces a remedy for Parkinson's disease? No, that's a hoax, And it is odd to believe what he says that having a tattoo is what every neurologist must consider. He never says so. Well, you know he gets treatment for the early signs of Parkinson's. This has prompted renewed interest in the condition.

2 May 2014 the date of revelation. Should we wonder why we applaud Sir Roger Bannister and his decision to speak publicly about his diagnosis? It's not a show time about life with Parkinson's in a number of soap operas; nobody has ever been reported to conduct an audition to film about it with him.

There are 127,000 people in the UK, who like Sir Roger, are living with Parkinson's. They need the right medication and the support to continue to live with this complex condition, Many people wish Mr. Bannister and his family all the best.

What if Sir Roger Bannister would really discover a remedy for Parkinson's? If you think that's part of soup opera series let's say in other words, why don't we support anybody taking initiative or studying much on this matter to find a solution. Sooner or later the sufferers will hear good news about it.

Well, it is not really true that someday Sir Roger Bannister won't see an effective way of curing Parkinson's.

A very frightening question how did you get Parkinson's disease. Maybe it became wildly known since Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with this sickness. There should be effective remedies and let the world know you get recovered soon.
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